Thursday, April 7, 2011

How to tell the time

It use 'am' and 'pm' in language more formal and usually written.
  Example: Are Banks open from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Say the hours first and then the minutes.
 Example: 7:45 - It’s quarter to eight.

For minutes 01 through 09, you can pronounce the '0' as oh.
  Example: 11:06 - eleven (oh) six

Say the minutes first and then the hours. Use past and the preceding hour for minutes 01 through 30. Use to and the forthcoming hour for minutes 31 through 59, but .

  Example: 7.15 - fifteen minutes past seven
                   7.45 - fifteen minutes to eight

Another possibility of saying   '15 minutes past'   is:   a quarter past
Another possibility of saying   '15 minutes to'       is:   a quarter to
Another possibility of saying   '30 minutes past'   is:   half past

   Example: 5:30 - half past five

Use o'clock only at the full hour.

   Example: 7:00 - seven o'clock (but 7:10 - ten past seven)

For times around midnight or midday :

  00:00 - midnight
  12:00 - midday or noontt

Click on the English clock:

Monday, April 4, 2011